Thursday, October 4, 2007

Joey's Reflection on Interaction/Interactivity

Reflection on Interaction: to engage in Interactivity. Terry Anderson Highlights: -Interaction is the number one debated topic among educators, most important to education. -The likelihood of finding a perfect mix of interaction is low. -Collaboration is key component of all forms of education both process and context -Definition: Wagner’s (1994). Reciprocal events that require at least two objects and two actions. -Functions of; learners control, facility, program adaptations based on learner input, various forms of participation communication. -Interactivity key to formation of Leaning Communities and part of constructive learning theory. -1916 John Dewey stated interaction is the defining component when information is passed from one student to another, resulting in construction of information. 6 types of interaction 1) Teacher-Teacher 2) Teach-Content 3) Content-Content 4) Student-Student 5) Student-Teacher 6) Student-Content -No single media supports the educational experience in a manner that is superior in all ways to that supported via other media. -Conclusions from informal surveys of students: wide range of needs preferences paces, synchronous asynchronous act, desire for exposure, differing modes of activities and provisions Equivalency theorem: 1) Student-Teacher 2) Student-Student 3) Student-Content Interaction above can be substituted with little loss of effectiveness - Student Interaction: Teacher interaction currently has the highest perceived value amongst students and thus commands highest market value. - Teacher Interaction: Some teacher interaction can be substantiated into learning objects (videos, animations, assessment programs etc.) thus migrating student-teacher interaction to student-content interaction. - Content Interaction: The value of the content is dependent on the extent to which it engages students or teachers in interaction, leading to relevant knowledge construction –There is also a direct relationship between this capacity for interaction and resulting engagement mindfulness and motivation. Classroom Delivery: 1) Low Level of student- student interaction 2) Medium Level student-content - Distance Education Email- text allows for high levels of student content interaction. - Web Based; Audio Video, Centra, ELuminate, have the same technical and pedagogical pluses and minuses of earlier video and audio graphic systems. Conclusion- Author hopes people will engage in dialogue about interaction, think critically about the role of human interaction with non human entities. Interactivity, Joey

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