Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Collaborative vs. Cooperative le...

Rose's take ...


Finally! Panitz's comparison of Collaborative versus Cooperative learning, including the addition of a third type of learning, is clearly outlined so I can see the similarities & differences. In a nutshell: 


In the collaborative model groups would assume almost total responsibility for answering the question. Collaborative learning is based upon the following principles:  

 1.          Working together results in a greater understanding than would likely have occurred if one had worked independently.  

 2.          Spoken and written interactions contribute to this increased understanding.  

 3.          Opportunity exists to become aware, through classroom experiences, of relationships between social interactions and increased understanding.  

 4.          Some elements of this increased understanding are idiosyncratic and unpredictable. 

 5.          Participation is voluntary and must be freely entered into. 


Cooperative Learning is very similar except that it introduces a more structured setting with the teacher in total control of the learning environment ... even though the students work in groups to accomplish a goal of a course.  Many of the elements of cooperative learning may be used in collaborative situations... The approaches diverge in the amount of freedom allowed the participants; collaborative learning strategies are the most open.


Interactive learning relies on the application of computer technology as the collaborative medium between student and teacher ... all three learning approaches recognize that learning is indeed a two-way street with teaching and learning being two components of the same educational system.


In our online classes, we should share Panitz's goal. "In my classes, I view student-teacher and student-student collaboration as essential to successful learning. Thus, I will seek every opportunity to encourage collaborative experiences...students will experience a variety of instructional methods and they will be actively involved in the learning experience." 

1 comment:

NM eTeachers said...

Collaboration among teachers might be an entry point for teachers to see the value of this critical instructional strategy. Teachers meeting to design lessons is a tool being used to foster this collaboration f-2-f.
